Correction - Outlook and Outlook Express are not related. OE is not a
"watered down" version of Outlook.
Outlook Express has its roots in the old Internet Mail and News from IE 3.x.
If you notice, the shortcut to start OE is still msimn.exe (Microsoft
Internet Mail and News.)
It has never been touched by the Office people who developed Outlook.
Outlook and Outlook Express share a couple of .dlls and that is the end of
the relationship between the two programs.
Outlook is a full PIM program. OE is a free mail and news reader. If you
are an MCP and did not know this, shame on your instructors.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to the
Swen virus, all e-mails sent to my actual account will be deleted w/out
After searching and finding no answer
[email protected]> asked:
| Isidore,
| I work in a fortune 500 company and I have migrated over
| 500 clients from one mail system onto Outlook. I have
| come to realize over the years that OUtlook Express is
| merely a "watered down" version of Outlook. Thats like
| using Microsoft Works instead of full blown Microsoft
| Office. Do you understand this?
| If you have several email accounts, the application (From
| my understanding and I have certification as MCP on OS,
| but handled Outlook conversion) - it will point to the
| default email unless prompted to do otherwise. You can
| have several separate profiles using Outlook and thus
| several separate users and even separate Personal folder
| line ups.
| What is it specific you want to do? What do you now have
| and what do you want? How many separate users?
| Again, Outlook instead of Express.
| Many people wonder why Express can't do certain
| functions. It doesn't have the flexibility as plain
| Outlook because it is waterdown to work fast in merely
| sending and receiving quick short messages. Its like the
| prerequisite to the new IM functions. Hope this helps.
| If you want this and have old email this is done sooooo
| easy with the Outlook wizard.
|| -----Original Message-----
|| I want to start using Outlook as my email program. I know how to
|| move the messages and directory tree of my inbox over, but I'm
|| having problems in two areas:
|| 1 - Moving my email accounts. There are quite a few on my computer,
|| but Outlook's wizard only seems to recognize one.
|| 2 - Moving my Outlook Express address book into Contacts.
|| Does Outlook 2K have a utility that will perform these tasks so I
|| don't have to go through keying it all in and testing it again? If
|| not, does anyone know of a 3d party utility that will do this for me?
|| Thanks in advance,
|| Isidore
|| .