Migrating from ASP, data displaying problem

  • Thread starter Fedor G via DotNetMonster.com
  • Start date

Fedor G via DotNetMonster.com

Pls help me manage the data displaying on the webform aspx c# page.

I used Dreamweaver to manage data displaying in the repeat table, ie simply
dragged the fields to the table cells, where I need to display data. then set
a repeat region for the table.

Now the problem is I dont know how to put desired data to the desired places
on the webform page.

the data is displyed well in datagrid.

Thanks in advance.


Joshua Mitts

Hi Fedor,

In order for us to help you, we need you to post some sample code and/or
HTML explaining your problem. Try to show what is happening and what you'd
like to happen.

Fedor G via DotNetMonster.com

Thanks for the quick reply, I've found the answer - it's datalist,
and here is the good example: http://www.asp.net/CommerceStarterKit/


Joshua said:
Hi Fedor,

In order for us to help you, we need you to post some sample code and/or
HTML explaining your problem. Try to show what is happening and what you'd
like to happen.
Pls help me manage the data displaying on the webform aspx c# page.
[quoted text clipped - 13 lines]

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