migrate xls app 2003 to 2007 -- get custom macro button out of des

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich
  • Start date Start date


I created an Excel 2003 app with tons of VBA and custom macro buttons that
lie within the sheets. One user at my place has Excel 2007. I went to the
trust center and enabled macros and trusting VBA object models... When I
place the mouse over a custom macro button and then try to click on the
button all it does is to select the button in design mode. How do I get out
of the design mode and get to the mode where I can run the macro when I click
on the button?

Developer Tab>Design Mode can be toggled on/off.

Assumes button is from Control Toolbox

If you have no Developer Tab on Ribbon go to Button>Excel Options>Show
Developer Tab in Ribbon.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
Hi Rich

On this Excel 2007 instance you may need to select allow macro's for
this file.
There can be a small extra ribbon between the column haddings and the
normal ribbon of XL2007.


Thank you all for your replies. I actually did do all the things suggested.
The one thing that I did not do was to restart the workbook.. Then the
changes took effect.

But now I have another problem: I am deploying this excel 2003 app via
Visual Studio "Click Once" from C#. The users with Excel2007 are running a
..xls file which does run - except that I am performing a lot of drawing of
cirlce/lines to make custom graphs. In Excel 2003 this runs very quickly
(about 750 small custom graphs on the sheet). In Excel 2007 xls this runs
very slowly. The will first delete all the previous lines/cirlcel and then
redraw all the lines and cirles (several thousand lines and tiny circles)
using VBA. Is there a workaround to make this run faster in Excel 2007? In
Excel 2003 it runs fine and very fast. Should I save this down as a .xlsx?