"MIDI editor" that "mixes" MIDI files?

  • Thread starter Thread starter fitwell
  • Start date Start date


Looking for a MIDI file editor that will allow concatenation. I dl
Anvil Studio since the one I had is a much older version. On one of
the sites, it mentioned that it could do this. After playing with the
software and reading the help file couldn't figure out how to do. It
talks about merging but then doesn't give clear instructions.

Anyone know of a more intuitive app that AS that will stitch MIDIs

Thanks all!
HA !



And I don't mean it in a laughing way! If there's one thing I'm good
at is finding things (eventually!) even if it's frustrating as heck.
I dl all the big freeware midi editors. Nothing. The only one that
managed to do anything was MIDI Locator but major trouble with it in
two ways. One was on installation. I recently upgraded to DirectX 9
to be able to play some movie trailers but that never worked. I
didn't go back to DirectX 8 though. MIDI Locator refused to work
until I "reinstalled" v8. Then I could join midi files but it meant
closing file each time as it's SDI _and_ it seems that only instance
can be running at one time. Then I'd open new song, copy to
clipboard, close that file and re-load medly-in-progress. Very
time-consuming and tedious.

MidiCat was okay, I got around a lot of the problems I have with
commandline apps because I didn't know about that paste icon in the
DOS window. Now I do. But by the time you have 3 songs with all the
code in the command in Midicat, I'd have to start again. It beat
copying/reducing name down to shorter name with no description, but
then I'd lose because I'd have to start up another line of code to
append to the first medley! Yuck.

In yet another search session this afternoon, the only thing that
really came up was a shareware GNMIDI which turns out to be on the
same site as MidiCat. But it's shareware. But just now a lightbulk
clicked. I did a search for the zip name itself, GNMIDI.zip to see if
I could find an earlier, pre-shareware version. I did!

Here it is, folks! Once and for all a way to EASILY, QUICKLY and with
NO PAIN WHATSOEVER make a medley file of any group of midis we want -
well, there's no drag-'n-drop and dialogue box supports only one file
at a time, but after all the rest, who cares!!!. I'm listening to a
medley file of just over 12 minutes I just made and it took me a less
than one whole minute to do that.

Find it here, GNMIDI v1.0:

It's a lone executable less than 350kb so another added bonus of no
install and no messing with anything like one has to do with the midi

To make a medley, easy. It's the only other button beside the file
"open file" one that isn't greyed-out when you first launch GNMIDI.
Or just click CONVERT > GENERATE MIDI MEDLEY in the pulldowns.

The rest is easy and intuitive. Just click the INSERT MIDI in the
MEDLEY box and hit okay. Add as many midis as you need. Once all
names loaded, press MAKE MEDLEY. A screen comes up in the main
interface but I didn't do anything with that. Just pressed FILE >
SAVE AS. That's it!

So ends yet another quest. I'd been wanting to concatenate midis for
well over two years now. Finally, a solution that's easy.
