I couldn't figure out the site you listed, it seems that it has not been
ported to windows yet??
You may whant to look at this one..I played around with this one a few
years ago and I thought it had some promise..
Music Sketcher allows the composition of music by dragging riff blocks
and positioning them on a graphical metaphor for a score part within a
score sheet. The music can be shaped by applying modifiers (graphical
curves that alter various aspects of the music) to produce a wide range
of musically expressive transformations on the pitch, articulation, and
loudness of the music. SmartHarmony is a model of tonal music that
constrains these riffs within the context of a selected chord
The purpose of this release of Music Sketcher is to demonstrate how
modifiers and SmartHarmony work together to give a surprising amount of
creative power and expressive ability, even when one is limited to the
pre-existing riffs. Currently, Music Sketcher is a thin graphical wrapper
around these unique ideas; it is not a complete compositional tool
itself. As new ideas and technologies are incorporated into Music
Sketcher over time, it will become more powerful and easier to use.
Version 1.5. of Music Sketcher added the following:
* MIDI file export
* A seek function
* Major improvements to the Harmony Builder
* New and improved riffs and sample chord progressions
* Integration of the tutorial into the greatly expanded on-line help.