Middle Age 35-58


Yorkshire Cruncher
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score

Well, I'll soon be old but I don't even FEEL middle aged yet.

They say that you're as old as you feel but, of course, it's not true - you're as old as your birth certificate tells you.

Strange though, that I, and just about everyone I know, feel no different to when I was about 20. Luckily I remain fit and healthy so far which, obviously, is a huge factor.
I can understand what people mean when they say that you're only as old as you feel - as there are some people I know in their 40's that are just as fit and active as people in their 20's (mind you, the opposite is also true!). Of course, it's also how other people see you, which does change no matter what!

There's always plastic surgery, so you can look timeless... just like this lady! :eek:
When you find an age that you feel happy with, then stick with it is what I say ... I quite like 37, so it's what I am on the "inside" :lol: