Windows 8 Microsoft’s Windows 8 Demo (Video)

my, gone are the days where you turned on the BW TV and went to make a cup of tea while it warmed up ... 10mins was the norm. :)
What happens if you haven`t got a touch screen monitor for a desk top P.C. for example. Are MicroSoft bringing out compatible monitors or do we have to buy tablet pads?
What happens if you haven`t got a touch screen monitor for a desk top P.C. for example. Are MicroSoft bringing out compatible monitors or do we have to buy tablet pads?

From what I can see on the net, if you don't have a touch screen monitor or a tablet, you can disable the Metro UI and it will be as Windows 7 is. That said W7 has still got some good mileage left in it :D
Windows 8 looks pretty done. I am going to guess it is coming out before...hmm...July? I would be happy because my birthday is June 30. I bet it is going to cost a lot though...:)
Windows 8 looks pretty done. I am going to guess it is coming out before...hmm...July? I would be happy because my birthday is June 30. I bet it is going to cost a lot though...:)

The BETA should be out sometime in February, as for the final release, late 2012 or early 2013. Microsoft haven't given any indication. As for pricing, it should be inline with Windows 7 according to Microsoft. In my opinion there is no rush for it. Windows 7 has a lot of life left in it.
I remember trying vainly to stop my three urchins from touching the monitor screen and leaving sticky little fingerprints all over it and now Microsoft want folks to touch the screen? Colour me confused :confused:

Touch screen fine for phones, pads and buying railway tickets, crap idea for desktop. In. My. Opinion.
My next OS will be Linux.
No more paying vast sums for something that is riddled with flaws until a service pack is released.
My next OS will be Linux.
No more paying vast sums for something that is riddled with flaws until a service pack is released.

You're either not using Win 7 or your PC is at fault. ;)
In the main, Microsoft has produced three turkeys - Win 95, ME and Vista. Of these, imo, Vista was by far the worst so I was very surprised to see the revamped Vista - Win 7 - be so good. If Win 8 has a lot of noticeable improvements I may buy it but I have a feeling I'll stick with Win 7 for now cos I like it. I certainly wouldn't buy Win 8 for the touch screen facility.

Word has it Win 8 will emulate Android and OSX which, if true, will be another reason I won't buy it, I prefer Windows-based OS's to App-based OS's.

As for Linux Mr Feckit, good idea, popular distros have come on in leaps and bounds but be aware they still can't do everything Windows software can do and some hardware still not recognised. But, those two things are in the minority, by and large most things can be done in Linux that can be done in Windows and most current hardware is recognised.

One worrying aspect is seeing how the latest version of Ubuntu is apps-based, seems this drove away a lot of Linux users to try different distros. I'm currently using Mint 12 which has a rather good KDE desktop, can recommend this one, especially if you're a Linux novice like me.