Microsoft's Motivation Behind WPA/WGA/SPP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chad Harris
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Chad Harris

A lot of us are turning our considerable efforts toward worthy causes. BTW
it's not just big oil, but your big Congress that is in the pocket of big
oil via K street.

The way the system works is Congress the working girl receives money from
the John(client oil company) and the service is sold by the p**p (K street
and other
street in D.C.).

MSFT purchased one of those called Ralph Reed for $27000 per month and only
fired him the day it hit the media.

MSFT Fires Ralph Reed google hits

1) Firing a lot of dead wood duplicitous disingenuous idiots in the US
House--current projection is that 20-35 will lose their jobs on Tuesday Nov.
7 to force a change in which party controls.

2) Firing a lot of dead wood disingenuous idiots in the US Senate to force a
change in which party controls.

3) Trying in a polite and civil way to pursuade MSFT at Redmond to correct
their mistakes in the EULA and with SPP or get them corrected for them via
the courts.

Accordingly to all news polls this morning there is a current stampede of
Independent voters towards Democratic candidates.

There will be a referendum on the fiasco in Iraq on November 7 which is
Operation Enduring Occupation that has started a Shiite Ascendancy toward
Fundamentalist Terrorism and Nuclear proliferation. If the US invades Iran
as many of us predict, Mr. Urban will immediately feel it economically at
his gas pump as will many Americans as they pull their huge gas hog SUVs up
to get their weekly hit of addicted fossil fuels.

"How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake"?--John Kerry

"Success in Iraq is possible and could be achieved on a realistic
imetable" --Zalmah Kalizad Ambassador to the US from Iraq

Iraq can be "in a very good place in 12 months" General Casey

"Even a child can see how much was wrong with this picture." Frank Rich New
York Times

As Frank Rich wrote in this mornings NY Times:

"As Richard Holbrooke, the broker of the Bosnia Peace Accords has observed,
the only real choice left for the President now is 'escalation or

Support does not constitute a kindergartner scribbling pics for soldiers or
slapping stickers on large gas hog trucks and cars, or loobying for better
helmets to protect from neurlogic trauma.

Support is shared sacrifice via a draft and when the inevitable draft is
instituted, the outcry to bring 'em home will wake the slumbering
indifferent beyond the pale public.
