microsoft word



I went to microsoft task launcher and found a format for a resume and
used Word to type it out. I sent as saved to a folder but I can't send
it to any companies because it's not a PDF file. How can I make it
one? I have acrobat reader but I can't pull my file there to convert
it PDF. Please help!


lwp3480 said:
I went to microsoft task launcher and found a format for a resume and
used Word to type it out. I sent as saved to a folder but I can't send
it to any companies because it's not a PDF file. How can I make it
one? I have acrobat reader but I can't pull my file there to convert
it PDF. Please help!

Primo PDF seems to work great for me. And its free.
Download it and install. It makes a printer in your system.
You simply print to the printer from any device, IE, Word, Notepad,
anything that prints. You then get a dialog (primo) to save the
document as a file. I've changed my settings to *not* launch a viewer
after printing (saving).

I save a lot of menu's from Food Network etc this way. Receipts when
ordering things on line in IE etc.

Ken Blake, MVP

I went to microsoft task launcher and found a format for a resume and
used Word to type it out. I sent as saved to a folder but I can't send
it to any companies because it's not a PDF file. How can I make it
one? I have acrobat reader but I can't pull my file there to convert
it PDF. Please help!

Answered in another newsgroup. Please do not send the same message
separately to more than one newsgroup (called multiposting). Doing so
just fragments the thread, so someone who answers in one newsgroup
doesn't get to see answers from others in another newsgroup. And for
those who read all the newsgroups the message is multiposted to, they
see the message multiple times instead of once (they would see it only
once if you correctly crossposted instead). This wastes everyone's
time, and gets you poorer help than you should get.

If you must send the same message to more than one newsgroup, please
do so by crossposting (but only to a *few* related newsgroups).


I went to microsoft task launcher and found a format for a resume and
used Word to type it out. I sent as saved to a folder but I can't send
it to any companies because it's not a PDF file. How can I make it
one? I have acrobat reader but I can't pull my file there to convert
it PDF. Please help!
Why ask HERE? This group has NOTHING to do with either WORD or PDF

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