microsoft word task launcher



I just opened a small non-profit organization and got a new computer with Windows xp professional and also microsoft office 2000 small busisness. When I use microsoft word it opens to a blank document but I can't find the task launcher to give me my options such as brocures, resumes, business cards, or labels. Where is it? Am I missing something, somewhere?
Thanks for any help.

Ronnie Vernon MVP

marlene said:
I just opened a small non-profit organization and got a new computer
with Windows xp professional and also microsoft office 2000 small
busisness. When I use microsoft word it opens to a blank document but
I can't find the task launcher to give me my options such as
brocures, resumes, business cards, or labels. Where is it? Am I
missing something, somewhere? Thanks for any help.

Click File/New, this should show the tasks bar on the right. Click General
Templates to see all of the options.
Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

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