microsoft word problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter Martin
  • Start date Start date


Hello Again,

I have a problem with Microsoft Office and had to uninstall it and
re-install it.

When i go into Word 20000 usually i see at the top of the page
FILE/EDIT/VIEW/FORMAT/TOOLS/ etc, but i cannot find these headings any
I have tried everything to get the headers back and also cant access
the help at the top as its not their.

Can anyone help me out?
On access, excel, powerpoint it is all there, just not on Word.

Thanking you in advance

Martin said:
Hello Again,

I have a problem with Microsoft Office and had to uninstall it and
re-install it.

When i go into Word 20000 usually i see at the top of the page
FILE/EDIT/VIEW/FORMAT/TOOLS/ etc, but i cannot find these headings any
I have tried everything to get the headers back and also cant access
the help at the top as its not their.

Can anyone help me out?
On access, excel, powerpoint it is all there, just not on Word.

Thanking you in advance


Are you completely unable to read a group topic?! This group is for the
discussion of printers and associated subjects. So far you've posted about a
broken scanner and Microsoft Word. Did you just post to the first group you
saw? Or are you too lazy to find the correct groups?!
Have you got a problem?
I have actually helped people with their printer problems in previous
I could'nt find the correct forum for my latest question regarding ms

Maybe since you seem to get annoyed so easily you can point me in the
right direction maybe that will calm you down.

Again thanks for reading my post, miss president.
Martin said:
Have you got a problem?

No, but it's blatantly obvious you have - one of comprehension.
I have actually helped people with their printer problems in previous

Have you?! Well bully for you! I still don't see that gives you the right to
post anything you like here. This group has a brief and that's *PRINTERS*.
Not scanners, not MS Word, or anything else.
I could'nt find the correct forum for my latest question regarding ms

Let's see you're having a problem with *MICROSOFT* Word. Where do *YOU*
think you should look, brainiac?! Come on, even someone of your limited
intelligence could work that one out.
Maybe since you seem to get annoyed so easily you can point me in the
right direction maybe that will calm you down.

I just did. See above.

Took less time to look it up than to send your post about whining and
to the "WRONG" newsgroup. Seriously, if you are a neophyte you should learn
a little more about newsgroups. They are highly specialized, that's why we
have 35-40 THOUSAND of them. I find Google answers 90% of all questions,
that should be your first place to go.....
try right clicking on one of the open spaces where the toolbars are at go to
customize and maybe there is a "File" or "Standard" menu option there? not
sure don't have office 2000.

also, maybe try right clicking on one of the opens paces where there is a
toolbar like the save/formatting/drawing bar and click customize and click
options and click "Show Formatting and File on two rows" maybe that will get
it back

good luck
It gives me comfort to know that words are your main choice of weapon.

I'd rather avoid experiencing the mayhem and bloodshed you'd cause were
you allowed to carry around anything more lethal, as self appointed net cop.

I appreciate that people such as yourself are way too anal retentive to
appreciate the concept of an on-line community which might actually
allow for a bit of flexibility in discussions, without blowing a gasket.

Some of us have learned not only how to skip messages we have no
personal interest in, but also how to multitask and think about more
than one train of thought at a time.

You might try the former sometime, as it would not only decrease your
personal angst, but it might reduce your compulsion to respond to such
postings, which could prove beneficial. I won't suggest you do the
later, since I am not sure you have that capability.
