Microsoft Word HANGS when opening!



Please help. I don't know why all of a sudden this started happening but
whenever I open Word 2000, it hangs. When I do an ALT-CNTRL-DEL, the Task
Manager shows that I have two Word sessions that are "not responding."

I currently work in Windows XP Pro. I have sufficient RAM and memory and
ALL other Office programs works flawlessly.

This is what I've done so far:

1. I have removed and reinstalled MS Office and updated all security and
misc. patches. When I do that, when I go to programs and it tells me I have
new programs installed, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, etc are all "highlighted"

After I have reinstalled the Office programs and updated everything, problem
still exists.

2. I removed MS Office and deleted all files pertaining to Office, (i.e.
templates, etc.). After I reinstalled and updated, problem still exist.

However, when I open Word using "winword.exe /a" it opens fine.

How do I correct this short of reformatting my hard drive? Based on my
research here in this discussion board, I have even renamed the Data Key in
the Windows Registry, to no avail.

Thank you, in advance, for your help!!!




I've done everything listed but it still hangs. What do I do now?

It has to be an add-on because when I do "winword.exe /a" it works fine.
Short of deleting all my ".dot" files, whatelse can I do?



We had a problem similar to this and it turned out to be two Acrobat
templates in the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\STARTUP directory.
They were something like Hope it helps.

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