Could Anyone Help please, The above mentioned was deleted by myself because
it was yellow flagged and the advice I took was to delete it and restart the
pc and it would return. This did in fact happen but the sound will not return
and when I checked the compatibilty driver it is still yellow flagged and so
did it all again to find it has not returned. Somewhere someone mentioned a
'Chipset' was needed but I don't understand nor was it elaborated upon. Could
someone kindly point me in the right direction to to find where to go to get
these reinstalled please. I really would appreciate your help. Thankyou.
Please refer to my other posts if you will here for in depth info and pc
it was yellow flagged and the advice I took was to delete it and restart the
pc and it would return. This did in fact happen but the sound will not return
and when I checked the compatibilty driver it is still yellow flagged and so
did it all again to find it has not returned. Somewhere someone mentioned a
'Chipset' was needed but I don't understand nor was it elaborated upon. Could
someone kindly point me in the right direction to to find where to go to get
these reinstalled please. I really would appreciate your help. Thankyou.
Please refer to my other posts if you will here for in depth info and pc