Microsoft Windows XP VPN Server and Microsoft Pocket PC


Jay Catelli

Hello All,

I'm writing today because I'm having some problems with Windows XP's VPN
server and a Microsoft Pocket PC 2003 which connects the the VPN Server. I
set up the server as detailed in the following link,39035505,39050037,00.htm. My
Pocket PC will connect to the server however when I try to surf the web or
do someother network activity via the VPN my Windows XP boc or Pocket PC
drops the connection. Can anyone assist me with the issue?

Thanks for your help.

J. Cateli

Sooner Al [MVP]

If the site you try to connect to, while in the VPN session, uses dotted address notation you need
to add the address to the PocketPC exceptions list.

Please post additional questions concerning PocketPCs to the microsoft.public.pocketpc news group...


Al Jarvi (MS-MVP Windows Networking)

Please post *ALL* questions and replies to the news group for the mutual benefit of all of us...
The MS-MVP Program -
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights...

Jay Catelli

After doing some more research in is the pocket PC that is droping the
connection. I can connect fine using a windows xp client. My pocket PC
is a Dell Axim x3i.

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