In Software Explorer... Category... Currently Running Programs, Why is it
that Microsoft Windows Explorer is Catergorised as "Not yet classified"
Same goes for, Microsoft Generic Process Win 32 Services - Windows Image
Acquisition (WIA).
Surely these two Microsoft Programs/Services/Drivers are certified by
Windows Defender (Beta 2), or is it that some of the shell extensions
associated with Windows Explorer are playing havoc with this process and
maybe my HP Scanner is not a recognised piece of hardware by Windows Defender
(Beta 2).
Any suggestions would be helpful or anyone with similar results maybe could
post a similar query.
Thanks for viewing.
that Microsoft Windows Explorer is Catergorised as "Not yet classified"
Same goes for, Microsoft Generic Process Win 32 Services - Windows Image
Acquisition (WIA).
Surely these two Microsoft Programs/Services/Drivers are certified by
Windows Defender (Beta 2), or is it that some of the shell extensions
associated with Windows Explorer are playing havoc with this process and
maybe my HP Scanner is not a recognised piece of hardware by Windows Defender
(Beta 2).
Any suggestions would be helpful or anyone with similar results maybe could
post a similar query.
Thanks for viewing.