Microsoft Vista Fonts

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rexjoec
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Ascender is proud to offer the groundbreaking fonts feature in Windows
Vista™, Microsoft Office™ 2007 and Office 2008 for Mac to end users,
graphic designers and enterprises to license for use in earlier
versions of Windows™, non-Windows operating systems or in applications
other than Microsoft Office.

* Calibri™,designed by Luc(as) de Groot, is a sans serif design with a
rich soft character that makes the font suitable for documents, email
and Web design. Calibri is the new default sans serif font in
Microsoft Office 2007.
* Cambria™, designed by Jelle Bosma with Steve Matteson & Robin
Nicholas, is a serif design suitable for business documents. Cambria
Math, designed by Jelle Bosma with Ross Mills, features an extensive
character set for mathematical, scientific and technical publications.
Cambria is the new default serif font in Microsoft Office 2007.
* Candara™, designed by Gary Munch, is a lively but not intrusive sans
serif design suitable for email, Web design and informal settings.
* Cariadings™, designed by Geraldine Wade, is a new decorative symbol
font with typographic ornaments that can be used as watermarks, border
enhancements or icons.
* Constantia™, designed by John Hudson, is a modulated wedge-serif
design ideal for e-book and journal publishing both online and in
* Corbel™, designed by Jeremy Tankard, was designed to give an
uncluttered and clean appearance on screen.
* Consolas™, designed by Luc(as) de Groot, is a monospaced font (like
an old typewriter) and good for programmers setting code (its core
* Complete Microsoft® ClearType Font Collection
* The ClearType fonts are featured in Windows Vista™ Microsoft Office
2007 and Office 2008 for Mac. Ascender is proud to offer these fonts
for license to individuals, graphic designers and businesses.

For more information or to download these fonts individually or the
entire collection, go to:

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