Microsoft Visio + c#... problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Roman S. Golubin1709176985
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Roman S. Golubin1709176985

All how do you do!

Who what cases uses for C# programming?
I have an experience with Microsoft Visio several days. He has a problem
with interface inheritance...
óan who that other advise?

Thank in advance!
Hi Roman,
What kind of problems do you have? Those problem might be cause by
misunderstanding some of the c# (or .NET as general) concepts.

Hi, 100
What kind of problems do you have? Those problem might be cause by
misunderstanding some of the c# (or .NET as general) concepts.

I have found two types of the problem in Visio

1. Incorrect interface inheritance with virtual methods:

--------- source ó# code --------
public interface a{
void b();
public class c : a{
public virtual void b(){}
--------- ó# code end --------

Then I use reverse engineering but then I use generation of the code from
the Visio and get incorrect result ( Virtual inheritance of the methods are
not supported by Visio ?! ):
--------- ó# code regenerated then from the Visio --------
public interface a{
void b();
public class c : a{
public void b(){}
--------- ó# code end --------

Ok. Above example shows applicable models not correspondence in C# against
Visio. Live with this possible but not comfortable :-))

2. Problem with namespace identity : LIVE IMPOSSIBLE WITH THIS BUG I RIGHT

--------- source ó# code --------
namespace a
public class b {}

namespace c {
using a;
public interface d {
void e(a.b f);

namespace g
using a;
using c;
public class h : d {
public void e(a.b f){}
--------- ó# code end --------

then Reingineering and then code generation and then get the wrong code:

-- regenerated code --
/* [skip] */
namespace g
using c;
public class h : d
public void e(b f) {}

-- regenerated code end --

"The type or namespace name 'b' could not be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)" when I compile this code... I have
hundred namespaces in project. I must correct their every time after code
generated from Visio?

PS: I try to use Microsoft Visio for EA 10.0.525 with VS .Net EA 2002 (
Framework 1.0 )

WBR, Roman S. Golubin
ICQ UIN 63253392
(e-mail address removed)

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Hi, 100!
What kind of problems do you have? Those problem might be cause by
misunderstanding some of the c# (or .NET as general) concepts.

I reengineere this code with Microsoft Visio 2002:

private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;

then I get after code generation:

private System.ComponentModel.Container components = new null;

I have something missed in this lifes? ;0)))

WBR, Roman S. Golubin
ICQ UIN 63253392
(e-mail address removed)

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.