I have an application where reviwers test two types of water samples (ground water, table 16_5 and surface water, 17_5) for contaminants. They enter in the location of the water source and a multitude of samples
The data displays correctly in the form and in the tables. If the reviewers need a hard copy of the report they click a print button and the data from the tables is transferred to two Microsoft Word documents, ws1 (location) and ws2.dot (samples) using code and bookmarks.
The bookmarks are working correcly because I do get at least one location and its corresponding samples to print print correctly. The first two locations and corresponding samples will print correctly. The third location prints correctly and the sample document displays with the permit number and correct location ID but none of the sample data displays and the entire print job is terminated. The following error displays:
"The Requested member of the collection does not exist."
When I step through the code it fails at the line
"wrdDoc.FormFields("Sample" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(1).Value), "", rst2(1).Value)"
The data displays correctly in the form and in the tables. If the reviewers need a hard copy of the report they click a print button and the data from the tables is transferred to two Microsoft Word documents, ws1 (location) and ws2.dot (samples) using code and bookmarks.
The bookmarks are working correcly because I do get at least one location and its corresponding samples to print print correctly. The first two locations and corresponding samples will print correctly. The third location prints correctly and the sample document displays with the permit number and correct location ID but none of the sample data displays and the entire print job is terminated. The following error displays:
"The Requested member of the collection does not exist."
When I step through the code it fails at the line
"wrdDoc.FormFields("Sample" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(1).Value), "", rst2(1).Value)"
Private Sub PrintSampleSheets(ItemSheet As String, _
wrdApp As Object, _
wrdDoc As Object, _
ComparePrt As Boolean, _
CompareFolder As String)
Dim rst, rst2 As Recordset
Dim docPathname As String
Dim SampleCnt As Integer
Dim SampleLoc As String
Dim SamplePrinted As Boolean
Dim SiteCnt As Integer
Dim SampleSheetCnt As Integer
Dim SaveName As String
Dim CurrentSample As Long
SiteCnt = 1
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Section" + ItemSheet + "_5_Qry")
Do While Not rst.EOF()
docPathname = InstallDir + "sections\wq1.dot"
If Dir(docPathname) = "" Then
MsgBox ("WQ Form Not Found.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(docPathname)
wrdDoc.FormFields("PermitNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value), "", Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("StationNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(0).Value), "", rst(0).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("SOAP").Result = IIf(IsNull(Forms!main!Section6!SOAP_Number.Value), "", Forms!main!Section6!SOAP_Number.Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("County").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(7).Value), "", rst(7).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Basin").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(8).Value), "", rst(8).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("QUAD").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(9).Value), "", rst(9).Value)
Select Case rst(10).Value
Case 1
wrdDoc.FormFields("Lake").CheckBox.Value = True
Case 2
wrdDoc.FormFields("Discharge").CheckBox.Value = True
Case 3
wrdDoc.FormFields("Influent").CheckBox.Value = True
Case 4
wrdDoc.FormFields("Spring").CheckBox.Value = True
Case 5
wrdDoc.FormFields("Spring").CheckBox.Value = True
Case 6
wrdDoc.FormFields("Well").CheckBox.Value = True
End Select
wrdDoc.FormFields("Depth").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(11).Value), "", rst(11).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Diameter").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(12).Value), "", rst(12).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Aquifer").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(13).Value), "", rst(13).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("TopOfAuifer").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(14).Value), "", rst(14).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Thickness").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(15).Value), "", rst(15).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Elevation").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(16).Value), "", rst(16).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Watershed").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(17).Value), "", rst(17).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("DrainageArea").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(18).Value), "", rst(18).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Lat_Degree").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(1).Value), "", Str(rst(1).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Lat_Min").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(2).Value), "", Str(rst(2).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Lat_Sec").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(3).Value), "", Str(rst(3).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Long_Degree").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(4).Value), "", Str(rst(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Long_Min").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(5).Value), "", Str(rst(5).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Long_Sec").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(6).Value), "", Str(rst(6).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Stream").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(19).Value), "", rst(19).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Permittee").Result = IIf(IsNull(Forms!main!Section3!ApplName.Value), "", Forms!main!Section3!ApplName.Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Collecting").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(20).Value), "", rst(20).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("Analyzing").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(21).Value), "", rst(21).Value)
Call PrintComment("Comments", IIf(IsNull(rst(22).Value), "", rst(22).Value), wrdDoc, True)
Set rst2 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from Section" + ItemSheet + "_5_Data_Qry where Station_Number = '" + rst(0).Value + "'")
If Not rst2.EOF() Then
If CompareFolder <> "None" Then
If ComparePrt Then
SaveName = CompareFolder + "Section" + ItemSheet + "Site" + Trim(Str(SiteCnt)) + "Sheet"
wrdDoc.SaveAs FileName:=SaveName
End If
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
End If
End If
SampleSheetCnt = 1
SampleCnt = 0
SamplePrinted = False
If Not rst2.EOF Then
docPathname = InstallDir + "sections\wq2.dot"
If Dir(docPathname) = "" Then
MsgBox ("WQ Form Not Found.")
Exit Sub
End If
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(docPathname)
wrdDoc.FormFields("PermitNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value), "", Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("StationNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(0).Value), "", rst(0).Value)
End If
Do While Not rst2.EOF()
SamplePrinted = True
If CurrentSample <> rst2(1).Value Then
SampleCnt = SampleCnt + 1
CurrentSample = rst2(1).Value
End If
If SampleCnt > 3 Then
If CompareFolder <> "None" Then
If ComparePrt Then
SaveName = CompareFolder + "Section" + ItemSheet + "Site" + Trim(Str(SiteCnt)) + "SampleSheet" + Trim(Str(SampleSheetCnt))
SampleSheetCnt = SampleSheetCnt + 1
wrdDoc.SaveAs FileName:=SaveName
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdDoc = wrdApp.Documents.Add(docPathname)
wrdDoc.FormFields("PermitNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value), "", Forms!main!PermitNumber.Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("StationNumber").Result = IIf(IsNull(rst(0).Value), "", rst(0).Value)
End If
End If
SampleCnt = 1
End If
SampleLoc = Trim(Str(SampleCnt))
wrdDoc.FormFields("Sample" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(1).Value), "", rst2(1).Value)
wrdDoc.FormFields("SampleDate" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(2).Value), "", Str(rst2(2).Value))
Select Case rst2(3).Value
Case "ACID"
wrdDoc.FormFields("ACIDITY" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("ACIDITYInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "ACIDITY", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "ALK"
wrdDoc.FormFields("ALKALINITY" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("ALKALINITYInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "ALKALINITY", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "DPTH"
wrdDoc.FormFields("Depth" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("DepthInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "DEPTH", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "DSCHG"
wrdDoc.FormFields("Discharge" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("DischargeInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "DISCHARGE", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "FED"
wrdDoc.FormFields("FEDISS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("FEDISSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "DISSOLVED IRON", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "FET"
wrdDoc.FormFields("FETOTAL" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("FETOTALInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "TOTAL IRON", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "MND"
wrdDoc.FormFields("MDISS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("MDISSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "DISSOLVED MANGANESE", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "MNT"
wrdDoc.FormFields("MTOTAL" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("MTOTALInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "TOTAL MANGANESE", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "pH"
wrdDoc.FormFields("pH" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("pHInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "PH", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "SO4"
wrdDoc.FormFields("SODISS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("SODISSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "SULFATE", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "SPCON"
wrdDoc.FormFields("CONDUCTIVITY" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("CONDUCTIVITYInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "CONDUCTIVITY", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "SS"
wrdDoc.FormFields("SETTSOLIDS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("TempInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "SETTLEABLE SOLIDS", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "TDS"
wrdDoc.FormFields("TDS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("TDSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "TSS"
wrdDoc.FormFields("TSS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("TSSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "DO"
wrdDoc.FormFields("ODISS" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("ODISSInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "DISSOLVED OXYGEN", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
Case "TEMP"
wrdDoc.FormFields("Temp" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(4).Value), "", Str(rst2(4).Value))
wrdDoc.FormFields("TempInd" + SampleLoc).Result = IIf(IsNull(rst2(5).Value), "", rst2(5).Value)
Call BuildSampleComment(rst2, "TEMPERATURE", SampleLoc, wrdDoc)
End Select
If Not rst.EOF Then
If CompareFolder <> "None" Then
If SamplePrinted Then
If ComparePrt Then
SaveName = CompareFolder + "Section" + ItemSheet + "Site" + Trim(Str(SiteCnt)) + "SampleSheet" + Trim(Str(SampleSheetCnt))
wrdDoc.SaveAs FileName:=SaveName
End If
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
End If
End If
SiteCnt = SiteCnt + 1
End If
If CompareFolder <> "None" Then
If SamplePrinted Then
If ComparePrt Then
SaveName = CompareFolder + "Section" + ItemSheet + "Site" + Trim(Str(SiteCnt)) + "SampleSheet" + Trim(Str(SampleSheetCnt))
wrdDoc.SaveAs FileName:=SaveName
End If
wrdDoc.Close SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges
Set wrdDoc = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BuildSampleComment(rst As Recordset, _
SampleType As String, _
SampleLoc As String, _
wrdDoc As Object)
Dim CommentStr As String
If Not IsNull(rst(6).Value) Then
CommentStr = SampleType + ":" + rst(6).Value
wrdDoc.Application.Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="Comments" + SampleLoc
wrdDoc.Bookmarks("Comments" + SampleLoc).Delete
wrdDoc.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:=" " + CommentStr
wrdDoc.Bookmarks.Add Name:="Comments" + SampleLoc
End If
End Sub
Sub PrintComment(CommentGoto As String, _
CommentText As String, _
wrdDoc As Object, _
DelField As Boolean)
wrdDoc.Application.Selection.GoTo what:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=CommentGoto
If CommentText = "" Then
If DelField Then
End If
wrdDoc.Application.Selection.TypeText Text:=CommentText
End If
End Sub