Microsoft updates



I have 20 computers at the public library that need updates. If I go out to
microsoft update, I can do the updates, but if I want to do more than one at
a time, it kills my bandwidth and we can't function. I have all the updates
from either TechNet CD's or from downloads, but don't know how to update the
computers unless I do one update at a time. Is there a way to do batch
updates. Microsoft Update shows that I need 36 updates and I really don't
want to have to install them one at a time on one computer at a time.

I can't use WSUS because they're all workgroup computers and there's no
server. I need help. Thank you.

MikeVa [MSFT]

There are a couple of options available.

First, WSUS will work fine in a workgroup. You will need to have a server
with enough storage to hold the updates and you will not be able to use
domain policy to set the Windows Update Automatic Update options for the
clients. You can work around this by directly editing the registry on the
client machines which can be scripted using REG.EXE. The WSUS documentation
lists the registry values that need to be set.

A better option in your case might be to write a batch file to do an
unattended installation of the hotfixes from a network share.
Take a look at this article:

Example of what your batch file might look like...

@echo off
set hotfixpath=\\servername\hotfixshare
%hotfixpath%\KB817787.EXE /Q
%hotfixpath%\KB819696.EXE -u -n -z -q
%hotfixpath%\KB905414.EXE /quiet /norestart
%hotfixpath%\KB905749.EXE /quiet /norestart
%hotfixpath%\QCHAIN.EXE C:\Hotfix.log
Shutdown /r /t 30 /f

NOTE: I've shortened the actual names to make it easier to read

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