Microsoft.... This is a Beta2?

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Hey Microsoft folks

Are you seriously offering this Defender program as something that does
something useful?

It is a complete crock for a variety of reasons. It is so full of errors
that is useless. Not only did it remove Anti-SPyware (which was actually
serving me with a useful service) but it screwed up install. I have nothing
but errors and messages telling ME I have not scanned my HD for 5 days!

There are fatal error messages all over this board and I think you should
either update it quickly or be prepared to have many people switch to another
spyware tool that ACTUALLY works! Defender is SO crap it is not worth the
space on my HD.

What a disaster... I am uninstalling it for now since it is so crap. I am
moving to another program. This is VERY POOR SHOW!
First I have gotten 0 errors, and by the way Anti-Spyware cleans some
spyware and also installs spyware. There is only about 4 antispyware
programs out there that is clean.
Beta testing is not for everyone. Thanks very much for providing
feedback--that's part of what beta testing is about. It's more useful, of
course, if you can provide specifics--and in many cases, if you read closely
here, the specific errors can be resolved.

Thanks. Yes I did read through all the infoon errors and the release notes....

Nowhere did it say that you would be lucky if Defender actually did anything
useful. A Beta2 would normally be expected to be pretty close to release.
Certainly it would have some functionality.

And I quote.....

Hi Sandy.

For the error 0x8050800c, please see my earlier post entitled 'Explanation
of error 0x8050800c using engine build 1.1.1186.0' for a description of why
you are most likely hitting this problem. Basically, if your system drive is
a dynamic disk you will see this error until the next engine update happens.

So it would seem that if you have Dynamic Disks (like me) Defender is fubar
until it is fixed in next update. Until this update I have 0 Defender

Beta 2?
That's not what that message means. Yes, you cannot get a complete scan.
However, definition update functionality should be working, and real-time
protection should be in effect--the real-time protection is the important
piece, I believe.
