BoonHead, The Lost Philosopher
I think the .NET framework is great!
It's nice, clean and logical; in contradiction to the old Microsoft.
It only saddens me that the new Microsoft still doesn't under stand there own rules when it comes to file paths.
A lot of Microsoft installers for example, and also installers of other companies, do not work because they handle paths in the following manner:
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\WrongDirectoryWithoutSlash" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\WrongDirectoryWithoutSlash\Filename.ext"
This seems correct...but it is not.
What happened if the directory is the root directory?
Or what if the directory is a correct directory?
Look at the following:
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\\Filename.ext"
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\CorrectDirectoryEndingWithASlash\" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\CorrectDirectoryEndingWithASlash\\Filename.ext"
The result is a path with double slashes...and therefore wrong...
A directory not ending with a slash is by definition a file.
A file ending with a slash is by definition a directory.
The difference between the directory named "bla" and the file named "bla" is the slash.
That's how programs know the difference. (Copy, "Is the destination a file or a directory?")
Dear Microsoft,
If you do not understand something as simple as file locations...
(You know..."file locations"...the most important thing...were it all begins...)
....then what must become of you?
Would you please fix this VERY OLD, PRETTY IMPORTANT BUG?
BTW- I loved your writing about software quality (http://docs.msdnaa.net/ark_new3.0/cd3/content/Books\Academico\Microsoft course - Chapter 2.doc)
BoonHead, The Lost Philosopher
I'm not that good in putting it into words.
Actualy I'm pretty bad in putting this into words.
But does anyone understand this problem and does anyone agee or disagree with me?
It's nice, clean and logical; in contradiction to the old Microsoft.
It only saddens me that the new Microsoft still doesn't under stand there own rules when it comes to file paths.
A lot of Microsoft installers for example, and also installers of other companies, do not work because they handle paths in the following manner:
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\WrongDirectoryWithoutSlash" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\WrongDirectoryWithoutSlash\Filename.ext"
This seems correct...but it is not.
What happened if the directory is the root directory?
Or what if the directory is a correct directory?
Look at the following:
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\\Filename.ext"
strPath = strDrive & strDirectory & "\" & strFile = "C:" & "\CorrectDirectoryEndingWithASlash\" & "\" & "Filename.ext" = "C:\CorrectDirectoryEndingWithASlash\\Filename.ext"
The result is a path with double slashes...and therefore wrong...
A directory not ending with a slash is by definition a file.
A file ending with a slash is by definition a directory.
The difference between the directory named "bla" and the file named "bla" is the slash.
That's how programs know the difference. (Copy, "Is the destination a file or a directory?")
Dear Microsoft,
If you do not understand something as simple as file locations...
(You know..."file locations"...the most important thing...were it all begins...)
....then what must become of you?
Would you please fix this VERY OLD, PRETTY IMPORTANT BUG?
BTW- I loved your writing about software quality (http://docs.msdnaa.net/ark_new3.0/cd3/content/Books\Academico\Microsoft course - Chapter 2.doc)
BoonHead, The Lost Philosopher
I'm not that good in putting it into words.
Actualy I'm pretty bad in putting this into words.
But does anyone understand this problem and does anyone agee or disagree with me?