I gave the answer and you ignored it !
How do you know it's domestic ? Its origin is yet unknown ! Much malware emanate from
other countries.
| MICROSOFT should be the expert at this. They are making
| billions of dollars from the consumer including our
| governments. Come on MR MICROSOFT get down and go after
| them. I think most technology users are tired of this
| style of domestic terrorism.
| Donz
| >-----Original Message-----
| >Donz,
| >
| >This type of worm is extremely difficult to track.
| Please understand this.
| >It comes with a built-in SMTP server so it can send mail
| from an infected
| >computer (which makes it difficult to track to it's
| original creator,
| >because the new copies sent out are from unknowing
| victims). In addition to
| >spreading via email, it also spreads over network shares,
| Kazaa and IRC.
| >
| >While I do not work for Microsoft, I still understand the
| difficulty in
| >tracking these sort of things.
| >
| >--
| >--Jonathan Maltz [Microsoft MVP - Windows Server]
| > - A Windows Server 2003 visual,
| step-by-step
| >tutorial site

| >Only reply by newsgroup. If I see an email I didn't ask
| for, it will be
| >deleted without reading.
| >
| >
| >> Why don't you spend your time and money to track down
| >> those who use your name to spread crap on the net and
| then
| >> fix your operating system. YOU can aford to do this. Do
| it
| >> for your country.
| >> Donz
| >
| >
| >.
| >