Running Windows XP SP 3.
I've just learned of the new free program from MS. If I understand
correctly, I should uninstall my current (and paid-up) A-V program (CA).
For a home user, not on a network or a workgroup, it this adviseable?
Also, what about Windows Defender? Should it also be uninstalled?
Will this product actually put McAffee, Norton, et al. out of business?
Should we expect another "anti-trust" action against MS because of
complaints from its competitors?
I've just learned of the new free program from MS. If I understand
correctly, I should uninstall my current (and paid-up) A-V program (CA).
For a home user, not on a network or a workgroup, it this adviseable?
Also, what about Windows Defender? Should it also be uninstalled?
Will this product actually put McAffee, Norton, et al. out of business?
Should we expect another "anti-trust" action against MS because of
complaints from its competitors?