Microsoft Security Essentials

Apr 19, 2008
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Morro (Microsoft Security Essentials)

The thread title says it all. I have read about Microsoft Security Essentials, and thought i'd give it a go. Wrong, its not available in Europe yet as a Beta. Little bit of hunting and I found somewhere to download from. The actual download only took about 3 minutes. Small download cuppled with a fast connection helps.
Once downloaded had I not done screen shots at every step, it wouldhave taken about 5 minutes from start of instalation to start of the first update scan.
On the machine I have installed it on I was using Avira Antivir, which I uninstalled as not to cause any conflict.
For the moment I have left everything as Microsoft recomend. This evening I am going to play around with a few applications that I know both Avira and KIS put at high risk.
Below is a walk through from start of instalation to end. All pretty self explanitory.









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Continauation of pics








What do you know. I have just done a full scan as I have been doing this post. On my USB drive I know there are corrupt files which both KIS and Avira had reported dangerous, this did not even pick them up..
Also I know Mucks started a thread about Morro, but I didn't want to hijack his thread with my images ettc, but if Mods/Admin think it would be better to combine the two rather than confuse people with two different threads, well go for it...:thumb:
Running on Windows 7....
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Thanks for the pix MrMad, very informative.

I dunno what it is but something just doesn't feel right trusting Microsoft to defend you from the nasties that are 999 times out of a thousand targeting Microsoft.

We all know Microsoft Operating Systems are full of holes as a thousand and one viruses and nasties will testify to but I reckon it's equally true that Mac and Linux systems are full of holes but the virus writers rarely target them.

Whether this is because these sick and twisted individuals who write viruses only get their kicks out of hitting as big an audience as possible or whether it's because of a pathological hatred for Microsoft, I don't know.

It's also true of course that these sicko virus compilers think they're pitting their wits against Microsoft and proving they can topple their software. That is some kind of hollow victory, who do they boast to? A select little sicko circle of spotty nerds who gather clandestinely online? Sad little gits.

Anyhow, it's kind of an oxymoron, 'Defence from Microsoft' as they're the very people who left their systems open to attack in the first place.

I don't think they're going to convince me they've suddenly found the wherewithal to build a brick wall now, so I shall stick with third party applications, thanks.
Just did another full scan on computer after letting the sprogs on it for half hour or so. Their first port of call was Limewire.
Full scan picked up a TrojaDownloader that had come via Limewire.


Abarbarian said:
I'm with flops in not wanting to trust M$.


Me too. I would only use it if 99% of PC users were using it because it was far better than anything else.
No, we will keep the two separate. :thumb:

I trust MS, and I'll "test" out this new 'protection' I'm sure it'll beat AVfeckinG free and Norton/MaCrapy

Trust Microsoft?

I'd rather put my head into a rabid Lion's mouth suffering from AIDS and hope it doesn't bite me.

McAffee is crap. Antivir is not.

Microsoft only want your money - nothing else.

The others, partly, want your trust and confidence.

And that's the difference.