Microsoft Presentation

Mar 5, 2004
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Hey all,

Just looking for some (constructive) ideas to help me out. Im through to the final stage for a job with Microsoft and i have to prepare a 15 minute presentation on one of these topics:

- 'One new idea, which could make a difference to Microsoft and its customers'

- 'How I would win even more new customers for Microsoft'

- 'How I would ensure that my customers were the best advocates for Microsoft'

So, what do people think? Looking for some brainstorming here to give me ideas, have to have the presentation finished and emailed to them by friday.

Hope to hear lots from you marvelous people!! ;)

you don't 'arf pick 'em ... ;-)

You're looking for "constructive" answers here ... in you? ;)

Well, whatever crops up here, make sure you ...
a) copywrite it
b) take a patent out on it
c) hire a good Lawyer

Do you really want answers from the likes of me? probably not, but hey! I have been a "customer" in the past, so ...

- 'One new idea, which could make a difference to Microsoft and its customers'
Hmmm, damned if I can think of one 'new idea' that MS haven't stolen, bought & shelved, cajoled with heavy handed lawyers already. :(

- 'How I would win even more new customers for Microsoft'
Pay the customer.

- 'How I would ensure that my customers were the best advocates for Microsoft'
Automatically get IE to delete anything on the internet that has any derogatary remarks about MS. :)

I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, I like MS software, really, I do.

had it coming

Sorry bodhi...but that was a certainty reply by mucks :lol:
Haha, i knew that was coming Rush. I was actually going to say something about people named mucks may not apply, haha, but i welcome any comments as i was just hoping all you guys could just post whatever you think and maybe i might get something from it i can run with.

I was thinking of doing the first or second questions to be honest, about something which MS could do to make a difference to themselves or customers or how to attract more customers. So i was thinking all the negative stuff people think about MS could be used to give me ideas of how to improve them.

So, seriously, if you dont like MS, what would you like to see them do, what would win you over? I keep thinking of how they could adopt some of the practices from the open source areas like Linux etc.

Over to you guys, let the horrific debate begin!! haha.

Actually, I really do hope you get the 'job' and it may be a different approach to turn some of that negative feedback right back at 'em.

Mr Gates got really peeved off when he found 'his' first versions of DOS being handed around openly so I aint too sure if MS would take to "open source" aspects to kindly ... despite what they have published, they have no intention of embracing the true meaning of open source software.

Business is not about customers, they are merely a means to the end, and that is ... making a profit. ;)

And that "presentation" is damn clever ... free ideas from job applicants. That's a cracker. :D
Yeah, the whole free idea's thing is pretty good isn't it. I often have to do presentations for companies like this and i always get the feeling that they base it on real life examples as it gives them new perspectives for free!!
OK, i think im going to go for the first one which is ''One new idea, which could make a difference to Microsoft and its customers".

What do you guys think, the two ideas ive come up with so far are:

1. MS sponsor a big new music festival etc, and get the top bands there. This will coincide with the release of Zune and they can have computers set up to download the bands that are playing's MP3's etc etc. Thought something like that would be good???

2. You know how MS have the media centre that is kinda of like an add on to XP pro? Thinking that home automation is going to be big pretty soon. So was thinking MS could develop some kind of new add on for Vista which lets users control lots of things in their house, such as.......curtains, tv's, lights, music, alarms, etc etc etc.

What does everyone think?

Also, i was thinkin, just for a laugh, i might put a BLUE SCREEN as my first slide of my presentation, then just say "haha, only kidding". Do you think they would appreciate the humour or just think i was a tool and not give me the job??


By Mucks
The 'blue screen' would go down like a lead balloon

yeh , tell them to make it green...a lot more environmentally

Thinking caps on :thumb:
Thanks mate. I'll have a look at those sites. Was also thinking of maybe a Microsoft TV channel or something. My thought process was that people feel a bit seperated from Microsoft and was trying to think of ways to overcome that. Thought TV or the festival idea was good.

I know the home automation thing isnt new mucks, but it would be something new to Microsoft. And people may like something built into windows which would do it all. Just a thought.

Anyone else got any input? This is like a conversation just with Mucks (not that thats a bad thing mucks, you are being very helpful).
My two pennies worth

From what we know in their present market of PC Software , there isnt much more Microsoft can do ...they have built an empire and it now generates Billions of dollars with no rivallry (linux excluded mucks). They need to branch out into other areas and use their brand name as a start of another empire build...Medicine , Space travel or accomadation or whatever ...Whatever they do will ultimately be succesful and it will bring in even more revenue for the US economy...

Just my thoughts :thumb:
Thanks for joining rush, much appreciated. That was exactly my thinking, they have this global empire where they really are the unchallenged leaders. So they need to diversify. But my presentation has to talk about ONE IDEA which is where im stumped so far. I havn't had that bolt of lightening yet!!

Apart from the festival idea and the MS TV or home automation add-ons, i was stuck. I did think about an MS airline with computer screens in the backs of all the chairs and keyboards so that people could keep in touch etc. But thats not something only MS could do, thats something any big company could do. (remember hooters air!!).

Thanks for the thinking caps, i just need to pin this down somehow so that tomorrow i can start working on gathering info etc etc.
ok what i would exploration

Not many companies could branch out into space could they ....the cash needed for a start ...ok there is a few..... Microsoft , Nike , Pepsi , Coca-cola ets granted but what would give them the edge ??

The knowledge ???

I dont think if Nasa had a choice it would be hard ??

Space rockets sent into space using shoe , soft drink technology ...nah what they need is computer software technology....Ahah Microsoft

sponsor the shuttle and space station and then use their muscle to expand space exploration/travel further is the future is Space :thumb:

Come on Microsoft show your Ba**s
Haha, thanks rush. Not sure going into space is the best new idea at the moment. May be a bit too radical for this presentation. Guess it doesnt have to be a new product type thing. Its something to benefit the company and customers, so guess it could be something along the lines of what could microsoft do better for their current customers.