Any reason that Microsoft ( should be doing port scans?
David H. Lipman said:From: "Notan" <[email protected]>
| Any reason that Microsoft ( should be doing port scans?
| Thanks!
| Notan
Are you sure it is truly a Port Scan rather than a FireWall application merely stating
something to the that effect ?
You didn't post anything that is indicative of a Port Scan.
David H. Lipman said:From: "Notan" <[email protected]>
| It was a (software) firewall report... Kerio Personal Firewall.
| How can I tell if it's a legitimate port scan?
| Thanks!
| Notan
You'd have to examine the logs. Usually a Port Scan is not just one port but a series of
ports seeking a vulnerability. Often software FireWalls mistakenly call a re-attempt at a
communication as a port scan or other nefarious action. For example, you went to a web site
or DNS server and communication is broken unexpectedly. The remote site tries to respond
and sends multiple packets which are sometimes misinterpreted as a nefarious act.
Only an examination of an actual TCP/UDP log can determine if it really is a port scan. My
feelings are this is a FireWall over exuberant misinterpretation.