Microsoft People - Get Your Butts In Here NOW

  • Thread starter Thread starter elizabeth
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It appears from this group that I am far from alone in my
frustration with the download and installation process
for the XP SP2 Update.

Until this service pack is downloaded successfully by the
majority of users and its bugs are worked out, a
Microsoft Technical Staff Person needs to monitor this

I see a lot of unanswered questions, which - as if my
anger isn't already about to boil over - is UNACCEPTABLE.

I know the MS people are very busy right now with this
update, but guess what? SO ARE WE.

QUESTIONS. We don't pay you people our good money (and a
lot of it, too, I might add) to be ignored during such
critical process.
First of all, MS techs are not paid to monitor these newsgroups. They are
hosted by MS as a means for peer support. Although some MS personnel do
read these groups, there is no obligation on their part to monitor these

Secondly, I have installed SP2 on 4 different computers (3 desktops and a
laptop), and have had absolutely NO issues. Of course, I keep my computers
properly maintained, so I don't have problems on them prior to upgrading.
These newsgroups are a very useful tool. Instead of demanding assistance
like you have, perhaps if you posted something about what problems you are
having and someone will help you. Until you change your condescending
attitude, I doubt anyone will help you.

Greetings --

Don't exactly have a strangle-hold on reality, do you? This
newsgroup is not "staffed" by any one at all, much less by Microsoft
employees. Those of us who do contribute are simply more experienced
computer users who freely and voluntarily assist others.

Oh, and those having problems with SP2? That's the minority. The
many thousands of people having no trouble don't bother posting.

You are not my customer. Your unreasonable, demanding attitude
earns you a place in the "ignore" file. Until you learn some manners,
please do not post here again.

Bruce Chambers
Help us help you:

You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH
elizabeth said:
It appears from this group that I am far from alone in my
frustration with the download and installation process
for the XP SP2 Update.

Until this service pack is downloaded successfully by the
majority of users and its bugs are worked out, a
Microsoft Technical Staff Person needs to monitor this

I see a lot of unanswered questions, which - as if my
anger isn't already about to boil over - is UNACCEPTABLE.

I know the MS people are very busy right now with this
update, but guess what? SO ARE WE.

QUESTIONS. We don't pay you people our good money (and a
lot of it, too, I might add) to be ignored during such
critical process.


If you would like to post your issues I'm sure the other posters in this
peer to peer support group would gladly help you; as will any of us
(Microsoft employees) that try and help out in these groups in our spare

If you have a specific issue that you wish to have solved by Microsoft staff
then you may engage directly with Microsoft support through any one of the
various routes available to you.
Note if you are not US based you will need to consult the relevant localised
page for support options.



Mike Brannigan [Microsoft]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Please note I cannot respond to e-mailed questions, please use these
To one and all who replied:

1) I have a fine grasp on reality, thanks very much.
2) I count a dozen messages on the front page alone with
problems similar to mine.
3) There ARE MS techs posting in here.
4) My assertiveness about my anger is because this
situation is being handled poorly by a multi-billion
dollar company. I am disabled on a fixed income who
relies on her computer for connections to the outside
5) SO SORRY to have offended you with my assertive
anger, but, guess what. I've posted my problems with NO
RESPONSE. That is why I am angry. I spent HOURS on the
Microsoft Website (and yes, I knowledgeable enough to
navigate it - I've been working and programming on the
web for 10 frickin' years) trying to get an answer to a
simple question - where is the download when you click
the download button and why does the update icon just
disappear? It does this with all updates, but usually
only for a couple of minutes until the download starts.
I have been waiting for over 24 hours now for my icon to

Before you condemn my manners, look at my other posts
which were a little calmer because I had not yet reached
my boiling point.

And as for the monitoring of this room, I completely
disagree that techs need not monitor it. Most times,
that would be fine, but not during the download and
installation of such a critical update. I didn't spend
my money on XP to be attacked by all these worms (thank
goodness I've taken steps to avoid the worst so far, but
we're not out of the woods yet), and it is up to
MICROSOFT to fix the problem with this awful architecture
(and that IS ultimately why it IS so vulnerable, for all
their billions they didn't invest in new code for XP,
they just keep building on top of the old code and
hackers know the code cold). It is not up to me to spend
money I do not have to send an email to MS because they
were too short-sighted to include these issues in their
FAQs and to monitor this site during this critical
critical update.

If they're not paid to monitor it, then they need invest
40 grand out of their billions into a human being to
oversee the technical issues on this newsgroup. There
are just some issues that even the most knowledgeable
peers cannot address.

And if you dislike my assertive anger, then IGNORE IT. I
don't have bad manners, I am just angry after spending a
day dealing with a website that is overwhelmed because I
suspect MS released this update too soon and now have a
website that is barely functioning. If you can do that
without losing your temper, then god bless. Not all of
us are that perfect. Frankly, we are all entitled to be
angry at MS right now because they have messed up very
badly on this whole situation, starting with the way they
wrote the code for XP.

Now I'm going to log off for a couple of days, and maybe
by then the freakin' download will be ready to start and
the stupid icon will stop teasing me by saying it's going
to update when it doesn't.

I finally decided to throw up my hands when I couldn't
even get the VM update (which I needed to reinstall) to
download properly this afternoon. Their system is
obviously overwhelmed, and us dial-up users are suffering
for it. Maybe it will be better in a couple of days
after the broadband people are finished with their

And, oh yes, I will post here any darn time I please.
You think my manners are "bad" then you've been living in
a bubble. Being assertive in a stressful situation is
understandable for everyone, and I have seen much less
constructive assertiveness on newsgroups, list servs and
message boards all over the web - for much less important
issues as well.

Bottom line: Other posters are not entitled to dictate
ANYTHING to a anyone, let alone a person they do not know
and whose other posts they have obviously not read.
Suggest, recommend. That's what this group is here for.
But if you dictate to and make false assumptions about
people you do not know, you only make a bad situation

Goodbye for now.
Microsoft has a tech support department for issues like yours. Why would
they have someone PAID to monitor these newsgroups, when the very nature of
these newsgroups is PEER support? You expect Microsoft to come crawling to
you begging to help you?

What exactly have you done to help correct your problems (I mean beside
bitching about them in these newsgroups)?

Your attitude grows progressively worse, yet you have not ever given enough
information about your system specs, the exact wording of any errors you are
getting, or any other information of any relevance to your argument.

I can certainly sympathize with your disabilities. I wish that we lived in
an age when our medical knowledge could benefit those of us who are
unfortunate enough to be less than able-bodied. You deserve no more or no
less consideration than anyone else in the matter of the problems you are

Perhaps if you took a deep breath, realized that we do live in an imperfect
world, and then calmly began again, posting relevant information as to
system specs, the nature of the problems you are having, including any error
messages that may arise, and then simply ask (read not demand) some
assistance, you might be surprised by the number of kind souls who will step
forward to help. When you rant, demand, threaten and otherwise make a
special of yourself, you will find very few, if any, bodies wishing to help
you. I for one wish you would approach this in an adult manner so that
perhaps we might begin to make progress on whatever problems you are having.
If this offends you, so be it. If you can't change your attitude, then
kindly do the rest of the world a favor and don't post your demands,
threats, etc here.
