Can anybody please tell me how should i forcefully format the Mailitem body.
I am using omail As outlook.MailItem object
I am assigning encrypted data to the body of this object as "omail.Body = retVal" where retVal consists of encrypted data. But after assigning omail.body adds extra characters to the mail contents .. so while decrypting i am facing problem.
I think if i allow my formatting to outllook then it will solve problem of mine.
Can u please help me out hw to forcefully apply formatting ..
Thanks in advance ..
I am using omail As outlook.MailItem object
I am assigning encrypted data to the body of this object as "omail.Body = retVal" where retVal consists of encrypted data. But after assigning omail.body adds extra characters to the mail contents .. so while decrypting i am facing problem.
I think if i allow my formatting to outllook then it will solve problem of mine.
Can u please help me out hw to forcefully apply formatting ..
Thanks in advance ..