Microsoft Office Documents appear in IE


Allen Bouchard


I'm experiencing a bug with IE 6 where attempting to open
a Microsoft Word or Powerpoint document will end up with
IE displaying the file in the browser window instead of in
the appropriate application. I am unable to find an option
in either IE or Word that will disable this annoyance. I
am using Office 2000. Does anyone know how to change this

I'm having a similar problem with Adobe PDF files. I found
the option in Adobe Reader to diable viewing of documents
in the browser, but IE still attempts to display it.
Instead of seeing the document, I get the icon which
indicates that an image was not found.


Allen Bouchard


162059 - Office Documents Open in Internet Explorer:

Re: the PDF problem. There's probably a better answer, but try this:
From Windows Explorer> View> Folder options> File types
OR Tools> Folder options> File types
OR Ctrl Panel> Folder options then File Types. Select [file type]> Advanced.
Put a check by
"Confirm open after download."


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