Microsoft Office Access can't send this e-mail message

  • Thread starter Thread starter erick-flores
  • Start date Start date


Hello all

I have an access application with some forms. Everything has been
working fine until yesterday when one of my users got the following
"Microsoft Office Access can't send this e-mail message"

One of the form in the application has a button where the user clicks
to send a file via e-mail (format .snp). The way it works is a new
outlook window opens and a file gets attach, the user then can send
the e-mail to whoever he/she wants.

I have been doing some reading and it looks like it has to do with the
Outlook security, but im not quite sure since this (the button to send
the e-mail) has been working in the past just fine. I am running MS
Access 2003 with all the current updates.

Any ideas?

The message you mentioned means that the e mail has not left access (not
reached outlook - so it's not an outlook problem).

Check the e mail address is in the correct format.
If you have a CC option in the SendObject event then use an "If" to handle
If Not IsNull .......CC address .... then
Send send to both main and CC
Send to main only
End if

Hope this helps
Thank for ur reply. Here is the code behind my button that sends the
report. Hopefully you can tell me whats wrong (but as i said before,
this has been working for the last year just fine)

Private Sub Email_send_report_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Email_send_report_Click
Dim stDocName As String
If Me.CHECK = True Then
'do nothing
If MsgBox("message.", vbYesNo, "Submit Report?") = vbYes
Me.Dirty = False
stDocName = "Expense Report"
Me.CHECK = True
CurrentDb.Synchronize ("\path_name")
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, "snapshot
'do nothing
End If
End If

I do not have any CC as you mentioned, any ideas?