Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 2, English Version

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Imse
  • Start date Start date

Paul Imse

I cannot get Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 2,
English Version to install correctly. I download and
install it, and I get a message telling me it installed
correctly and that I need to reboot. I reboot. When I
next go back to Windows Update, I am told that I need to
install this Service Pack yet again as a critical update.

I have uninstalled .NET Framework; shut the whole system
down (cold); reinstalled .NET Framework; then installed
Service Pack 2 as a Critical Update. The next time I
return to Windows Update, it informs me that Service Pack
2 is still a critical update for my computer.

Do I have an uncloseable security hole in my system?

Hi Paul,

Looks like the Windows Update detection is not picking up that this has
installed. Can you post the following info?

Does this regkey exist after install:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed

You could try uninstalling and then installing manually via the catalog.

I have checked my registry, and that key does not exist.

However, when I run a search on the filename string, I
come up with some hits. Two directly show the string, one
with the brackets and one without, as data. It is not
clear to me where they are. They are part of a list of 26
items that came up without any section of the registry on
the left side of the page being highlighted. Under the
name there is a graphic that looks something like a flag
with an "ab" inside it followed by a number, starting with
000. The type is listed as "REG_SZ". There is another
unnumbered one at the beginning listed as "(Default)". The
third column is labeled "Data" and contains the srings you
asked about.

Along with the 2 listings, there are a bunch of others
relating to various and seemingly random files and
programs and address books, etc.

I have to confess my ignorance. What do you mean when you
recommend that I uninstall and install "manually via the


Looks as though it's not installing properly for some reason. Trying a
manual install is probably a good bet - and don't apologise for "ignorance",
I have a *bad* habit of forgetting that not everyone is familiar with the
catalog (or even knows it exists!) - there is a KB article
( which is pretty good
on how to use the catalog.

Here's the more basic version :)

Go to "Other Options" on the left pane and click "Personalize Windows
Check "Display the link to the Windows Update Catalog under See Also" and
You should now see "Windows Update Catalog" under See Also - click it.
Click "Find updates for Microsoft Windows operating systems".
Pick your OS (say Windows 2000 RTM) and Language (English, I presume?) and
click "Advanced Search Options".
In "Contains these words" enter Microsoft .NET Framework Service Pack 2,
English Version and click "Search"
You should get one result in Critical Updates and Service Packs.
Click Add then Go to Download Basket
Fill in a location to save the file and Download Now
The Download History will give the exact location of the exe (something like
Go to this folder (copy and paste into Run if you want)
Double click the exe to install