Well, I think it's a step in the right direction and certainly long
overdue, but I really must point out some glaring errors. Win32/Vundo.G
for instance is a bit older than March 30, 2007, though these documents
claim it was both published and "discovered" on that date... That's
nonsense, since it was first detected by Defender in May of 2006, and was
infecting PCs long before Defender started picking it up. Actually, most
of the dates in this document seem highly dubious with "discoveries"
claimed as being very recent for the most part.
The Vundo.G reference says "This software threat is detected by the
Microsoft antivirus engine." while many other references don't make claims
of any detection by any Microsoft product... which would lead anyone to
reasonably believe that Microsoft doesn't detect those infections at all,
but are merely listed here in the form of an encyclopedia, unless it
explicitly says Ms detects it... who knows, maybe that is the case.
I also found the encyclopedia search A - Z function cumbersome. As in the
above Vundo.G search, if you enter just the allowed one letter "V" for the
search you get returned 34337 hits... then it lets you start paging through
them at 20 hits to the page. That's a lot of paging to get to the "VU"s.
It's not appropriate to have a one letter A - Z search with this many
entries/hits in the database. I know you can type VUndo in the search
box... but if you don't know that spelling or you try the alternative names
vurtumonde/virtumonde, or vurtumondo/virtumondo you don't get any hits
Even with these problems, implementing this is a good idea, so thanks for