How to prevent Explorer from pry into file contents i local folders.
As soon I open a folder by either double click, or right click open,
Explorer seems to read files that I havn't open.
Explorer seems to pre load files, or something like that.
If I have a folder with an XML file, and open that folder, Explorer
handle that file.
The only way that I could figure out was this:
Created a VBS or CMD file that renamed the XML files extension to e.x.
"XM_" before I open the folder.
When the extension is renamed, Explorer leave them XML files, doing
Btw: If I double click an XML file, WinXPSP2 don't know what to do. In
other words, it ask me what shall OS do with such an XML file.
PS: I use the below batch file with drag and drop before I want to
open a folder.
If I forget to rename XML extension before I open the folder, it
simply crash Explorer and MSHTML.DLL
Then it crash even more by using the malware "drwtsn32.exe" from
So I have now deleted the "drwtsn32.exe" from System32 folder, thereby
it only crash one instead of two times
@echo off
rem R.CMD 14 lines by Benny Pedersen, August 29, 2007
rem Avoid the malware ie7 to preload privat stuff xml
if "%~1" == "" (
echo.& echo. Drag and drop folder was not found, :-^(
echo.& pause& exit)
echo.& echo. 1: XML& echo. 2: XM_
(set /p a=)
if "%a%" == "1" (
if exist "%~1\skin.xm_" ren "%~1\skin.xm_" "skin.xml"
) else (if "%a%" == "2" (
if exist "%~1\skin.xml" ren "%~1\skin.xml" "skin.xm_"
explorer "%~1\"
As soon I open a folder by either double click, or right click open,
Explorer seems to read files that I havn't open.
Explorer seems to pre load files, or something like that.
If I have a folder with an XML file, and open that folder, Explorer
handle that file.
The only way that I could figure out was this:
Created a VBS or CMD file that renamed the XML files extension to e.x.
"XM_" before I open the folder.
When the extension is renamed, Explorer leave them XML files, doing
Btw: If I double click an XML file, WinXPSP2 don't know what to do. In
other words, it ask me what shall OS do with such an XML file.
PS: I use the below batch file with drag and drop before I want to
open a folder.
If I forget to rename XML extension before I open the folder, it
simply crash Explorer and MSHTML.DLL
Then it crash even more by using the malware "drwtsn32.exe" from
So I have now deleted the "drwtsn32.exe" from System32 folder, thereby
it only crash one instead of two times
@echo off
rem R.CMD 14 lines by Benny Pedersen, August 29, 2007
rem Avoid the malware ie7 to preload privat stuff xml
if "%~1" == "" (
echo.& echo. Drag and drop folder was not found, :-^(
echo.& pause& exit)
echo.& echo. 1: XML& echo. 2: XM_
(set /p a=)
if "%a%" == "1" (
if exist "%~1\skin.xm_" ren "%~1\skin.xm_" "skin.xml"
) else (if "%a%" == "2" (
if exist "%~1\skin.xml" ren "%~1\skin.xml" "skin.xm_"
explorer "%~1\"