I use Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 231801 sample code to Skip Used
I can skip the used label position when preview, but when print it still
start from the first label,
does anyone know how to do? Please help!!
Try this method.
First make sure your label report is properly printing a full sheet of
Then add a Report Header to your label report.
Add 2 text boxes to the Header.
1) Name one SkipControl
Leave it's control source unbound
2) Name the other SkipCounter
Set it control Source to =[Skip How Many?]
Now code the Report Header Format event as below:
Private Sub ReportHeader_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As
[SkipControl] = "Skip"
Cancel = True
End Sub
Next code the Detail OnPrint event:
Private Sub Detail_Print(Cancel As Integer, PrintCount As Integer)
If PrintCount <= [SkipCounter] And [SkipControl] = "Skip" Then
Me.NextRecord = False
Me.PrintSection = False
[SkipControl] = "No"
Me.PrintSection = True
Me.NextRecord = True
End If
End Sub
When you are ready to run the label report, it will ask how many to
Then it will run the report.