if you meant an access database table, here is the help from the microsoft
You may receive this error message if Access cannot find the table or the
query in the database, if a link points to an external file that does not
exist, or if the external file has been moved to a new location. This error
can also occur if a deleted or renamed table or query is referenced on the
Lookup tab of another table.
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To troubleshoot this behavior, do the following:
.. Check to ensure that the table or query exists. If it does not exist, you
can remove all references to it, or if it is a missing table, reimport or
relink the table. If it is a missing query, reimport or re-create the query.
Often the RecordSource property of a form or a report contains a reference
to a table or a query whose name has changed or which has been deleted.
.. If the table or query exists, it is likely that there is a syntax error or
a spelling error in the reference to it. If so, correct the syntax error or
spelling error in the reference.
.. When you try to open a linked table, the source table may not be in the
path that you specified when it was first linked. If you have moved the
file, you can use the Linked Table Manager to update the link information.
Jeanette Cunningham