Hello All,
Within our company we have an internal website that has training
simulations. These simulations will only run on the Microsoft Java VM
platform and hang up if the Sun JRE is used. I've noticed that there are
security concerns with Microsoft VM so much so that it is no longer offered
with Windows updates. Unfortunately, we are unable to update the simulation
script so that it will run off of Sun JRE, so we are stuck with MVM from now.
My question is will we be protected from the vulnerabilities if we uncheck
the Microsoft VM option within Internet Explorer Options and only check it
when necessary? Let me know if you need any more info and I'll provide what
I can. Thanks in advance.
Within our company we have an internal website that has training
simulations. These simulations will only run on the Microsoft Java VM
platform and hang up if the Sun JRE is used. I've noticed that there are
security concerns with Microsoft VM so much so that it is no longer offered
with Windows updates. Unfortunately, we are unable to update the simulation
script so that it will run off of Sun JRE, so we are stuck with MVM from now.
My question is will we be protected from the vulnerabilities if we uncheck
the Microsoft VM option within Internet Explorer Options and only check it
when necessary? Let me know if you need any more info and I'll provide what
I can. Thanks in advance.