microsoft internet explorer title in windows



help!! iv un-installed a isp pack from a server and am
using freeserve as always (couldnt get the other to work)
now im stuck with the others name at the top of all my
windows when it should be freeserve, how do i change it

Ramesh [MVP]

Click Start | Run | and type the following commands one by one: and press Enter

"Rundll32 IedkCS32.dll, Clear"

Both commands does the same almost. The first one also resets "Windows Update Menu Text" in IE.

Remove IE/OE Branding:

Ramesh - Microsoft MVP
Computer viruses: description, prevention, and recovery:

help!! iv un-installed a isp pack from a server and am
using freeserve as always (couldnt get the other to work)
now im stuck with the others name at the top of all my
windows when it should be freeserve, how do i change it

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