Susan Sharm
Do you know how to prevent the Microsoft Advertisind Delivery Service
(ADSAdClient31.dll) from attempting to download EVERY single time we
log into our hotmail accounts and view any hotmail page?
On a brand new PC, I noticed that EVERY time I visit a hotmail page the
message comes up (which I cancel every time):
Opening ADSAdClient31.dll
You have chosen to open
which is a: Application Extension
from http://rad.msn.com
What should Netscape do with this file?
(x) Open with dllfile (default)
( ) Save to Disk
I googled and found that this is a well-known Microsoft Ad Server
spyware program (http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2001/8/17/11541/1217)
but I did not find how to PREVENT it from installing! Apparently this
program pops up ads AFTER you view the web page! So it's a prime cause
of pop-up annoyances and is a known spyware program from Microsoft.
I tried putting rad.msn.com into my hosts file but I STILl
get the annoying Microsoft Advertising Delivery Service download
attempt (which I cancel every time) when I visit any hotmail web page.
Someone out there must be an anti-spyware expert who can tell us how to
ELIMINATE the chance of this Microsoft-built adware/spyware?
PLEASE! If you are a Windows expert, you'll know how to stop this
Thank you in advance,
Susan Sharm
(ADSAdClient31.dll) from attempting to download EVERY single time we
log into our hotmail accounts and view any hotmail page?
On a brand new PC, I noticed that EVERY time I visit a hotmail page the
message comes up (which I cancel every time):
Opening ADSAdClient31.dll
You have chosen to open
which is a: Application Extension
from http://rad.msn.com
What should Netscape do with this file?
(x) Open with dllfile (default)
( ) Save to Disk
I googled and found that this is a well-known Microsoft Ad Server
spyware program (http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2001/8/17/11541/1217)
but I did not find how to PREVENT it from installing! Apparently this
program pops up ads AFTER you view the web page! So it's a prime cause
of pop-up annoyances and is a known spyware program from Microsoft.
I tried putting rad.msn.com into my hosts file but I STILl
get the annoying Microsoft Advertising Delivery Service download
attempt (which I cancel every time) when I visit any hotmail web page.
Someone out there must be an anti-spyware expert who can tell us how to
ELIMINATE the chance of this Microsoft-built adware/spyware?
PLEASE! If you are a Windows expert, you'll know how to stop this
Thank you in advance,
Susan Sharm