The barns burned down, no reason to close the doors now.
What happened awhile back, my machine was acting up. I had tons of private info on the C:\ boot drive. It had to go into the shop.
I had no intention of releasing my private info to a repair shop.
I installed an old 10 gig HD in the machine, and installed the XP OS on it.
took the thing to the shop.
removed 10 gig HD, reinstalled 152 gig HD
Now every time I get the activation notice it's a PITA.
I get the message this machine has exceeded something.. hands me a phone number and says call Egypt or Korea to activate.
now I have to talk to a machine that always fails, until it notices it's failing, and forwards me to a human learning English at my expense.
Now I have to repeat a 2 page number several times until they have the number. Then they send me a 2 page number and repeat that several times until I get it.
Then they say oops wrong numbers and we repeat the above dance 1 more time.
Now the numbers been entered and the machines activated.
I just want a contact email or actual snail mail address to contact MS and get this resolved or get a NEW serial number next time I need to install the OS. Yes I'll need to re-install it again. 3rd party software without fail will crap out something and cascade to failure.
I didn't input a pirate copy. I just installed my OS to one of my backup HD's.
I need them to reset the counter or get a working number to prevent sending me off to Alice's wonderland every time it wants to activate.
I can't use email I have an OEM number. I can't use chat [see OEM], Last phone support was a worse nightmare than the now normal activation.
I'm beginning to think MS makes their money from support only. $35.00 a contact for NO HELP!
This option NG is the only affordable option and actually the only reliable one.
What happened awhile back, my machine was acting up. I had tons of private info on the C:\ boot drive. It had to go into the shop.
I had no intention of releasing my private info to a repair shop.
I installed an old 10 gig HD in the machine, and installed the XP OS on it.
took the thing to the shop.
removed 10 gig HD, reinstalled 152 gig HD
Now every time I get the activation notice it's a PITA.
I get the message this machine has exceeded something.. hands me a phone number and says call Egypt or Korea to activate.
now I have to talk to a machine that always fails, until it notices it's failing, and forwards me to a human learning English at my expense.
Now I have to repeat a 2 page number several times until they have the number. Then they send me a 2 page number and repeat that several times until I get it.
Then they say oops wrong numbers and we repeat the above dance 1 more time.
Now the numbers been entered and the machines activated.
I just want a contact email or actual snail mail address to contact MS and get this resolved or get a NEW serial number next time I need to install the OS. Yes I'll need to re-install it again. 3rd party software without fail will crap out something and cascade to failure.
I didn't input a pirate copy. I just installed my OS to one of my backup HD's.
I need them to reset the counter or get a working number to prevent sending me off to Alice's wonderland every time it wants to activate.
I can't use email I have an OEM number. I can't use chat [see OEM], Last phone support was a worse nightmare than the now normal activation.
I'm beginning to think MS makes their money from support only. $35.00 a contact for NO HELP!
This option NG is the only affordable option and actually the only reliable one.