Michael said:Following is cut from the Karen's Power Tools Newsletter:
"If all this sounds too good to be true, you're right. There's less to
Microsoft's offer than first appears.
To begin with, the Express products you can download today are early
"beta" versions. Like all betas, they have more than the usual number
of bugs awaiting extermination.
Worse, these "Express" products are incomplete. Oddly, most of the
features that make them appealing, such as the promised tutorials,
aren't yet available.
Finally, while the beta versions of these products are free, they will
"expire", or stop working when the shipping versions are released. The
final versions will require a few coins in order to operate. I expect
the prices will be "reasonable", but they won't be free."
Dick Kistler said:Better value :
.... and how big the download is please, as I too am on dial-up.Frank Delamarre said:It would be nice if you lot could expand the communication beyond an
exchange of url's. Many of us use off line readers and dial up
connections. Also it makes postings a lot more informative if links
and recommendations are accompanied by brief descriptions of what a
program is and does.
It would be nice if you lot could expand the communication beyond an
exchange of url's.
MAMEngineer said:.NET software developer's kit...
SharpDevelop is a C# IDE that is free... develop C# programs for
Roger said:... and how big the download is please, as I too am on dial-up.
(Mind you, that didn't stop me downloading 80MB of Q2 levels on one
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/...a6-3647-4070-9f41-a333c6b9181d&displaylang=enDick said:Better value :
and SharpDevelop http://www.icsharpcode.net/OpenSource/SD/