Microsoft fined by European Commission over web browser


Jan 31, 2005
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Cant help but feel MS have been hard done by with this, how come Apple dont have to do the same?

Microsoft has been fined 561 million euros ($731m; £484m) for failing to promote a range of web browsers, rather than just Internet Explorer program, to users in the European Union (EU).

It introduced a Browser Choice Screen pop-up in March 2010 as part of a settlement following an earlier EU competition investigation.

But the US company dropped the feature in a Windows 7 update in February 2011.

Microsoft said the omission had been the result of a "technical error".

But competition commissioner Joaquin Almunia said the action was unprecedented, adding he wanted to deter any company from the "temptation" of reneging on such a promise.
Full Article - BBC
That's one heck of a fine :eek:.

Am I correct in thinking that it's only been fairly recently that Apple even allowed competing browsers on to the App store?
I'm still being offered the browser choice in Win 7 when I update. I've never noticed it missing. Not that I install it of course cos I'm dead clever cos I know there are lots of browsers.

Nobody else does though of course which is why Microsoft must let us know.

Let me state I have no love for Microsoft but will say I never could understand why they were forced to give a choice of browsers. A simple uninstall function for IE would have sufficed imo.

And it may appear a huge fine to you and I who think even buying a jar of Nescafe is prohibitively expensive but 561 million Euros to Redmond's finest is like small change for the parking meter to Mr & Ms Average.
On my laptop I still have IE 8.On my desktop after a clean install, I downloaded Waterfox and then went into programs and features and selected "Turn Windows features on or off " Now no more annoying updates wanting me to update to a browser I don't like.:D
IE 10 working fine on me lappy with Win 7 and I too like Flops have a choice of browsers :bow:

The fine in my opinion is peanuts:nod: or as well put by Flops " small change for the parking meter to Mr & Ms Average"