Windows 10 Microsoft finally reveals what data Windows 10 really collects


Jan 31, 2005
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The Basic level helps to identify problems that can occur on a particular device hardware or software configuration. For example, it can help determine if crashes are more frequent on devices with a specific amount of memory or that are running a particular driver version. This helps Microsoft fix operating system or app problems.

Seems its not quite as bad as the tin foil hat brigade would have you believe. ;)
Nah, s'all codswallop, Microsoft want to know what rood pictures you're viewing, what drugs you've ordered from the 'invisible net' and all the items you're in the market for so they can collect revenue from companies who may benefit from spamming you.

S'obvious innit? :)

On a serious note I do recall part of the EULA being highlighted at the Win 10 launch which basically said if the police or other law enforcement agencies requested personal information from an individual then if Microsoft deemed their request reasonable and valid then they'd harvest personal data.

It probably happens anyway, no matter what OS you use, but MS have to be a bit more open about what they get up to. What I do is stay squeaky clean in Windows and look at all kinds of iffy sites using Linux. Groovy eh? :)
I like to test them out with phrases like "the best way to bomb the US" and "how to assassinate a president" but I don't think they're interested ... Flops is probably right in his first paragraph. :)