Okay, Rob, my system has anomalies. And they have to be attacked
one at a time, because rebuilding the system from scratch is not
a viable alternative. But intead of telling me to find and install
a file, why can't it send me to where the file exists? I believe
that on my master CD, that file exists in dl_ form and not .dll ..
so the failure message in the FAX installation is only a part of
the story. What I need is a file which does not exist on my CD
in spite of what the error message says, or else some means to
convert it from .dl_ form to .dll form, like the installer does
but like I can't. Fortunately I don't *need* Microsoft FAX....I
have an excellent SmithMicro HotFax working.....but I don't think I'm
out of line wanting to try out what supposedly came with my XP.
Incidentally, obviously the FAX is available at installation time,
as an option, but the OEM didn't think I'd want it. Or they figured it
is easy to add at a later date. Like there's many a slip 'twixt the cup
and the lip...there's many an assumption like that that has its slips, too.