Microsoft Excel Functions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Simon
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Right this is my problem, I have a master spreadsheet in
which I want to count how many queries are coming in for a
specified person.

So for example Joe A and Joe B are on the phones, their
names are in Cells A1:A10 another spreadsheet called for
example "Incoming Calls". Everytime one of them recieves a
call they put their name in the "A" cells, e.g A1=JoeA,
A2=JoeB,A3=JoeB etc. So it can be totally random but every
time they put their name down they also need to put down
the query they recieved. E.g A2="JoeB", B2="Complaint".

I would like to use the name as the key so on the master
spreadsheet I know how many "Complaints" Joe A or B have
dealt with or any other queries.

I think its some sort of COUNTIF function but I can not
get it to work.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks in advance.

Simon, try this =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A10="Joe B")*(B2:B10="Complaint"))

Paul B
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Thanks Paul,

I'll give that a whirl.

-----Original Message-----
Simon, try this =SUMPRODUCT((A2:A10="Joe B")* (B2:B10="Complaint"))

Paul B
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Unfortunately that didn't work as it didn't count and only
returned a value of 0.

Any other suggestions guys??


Paul unfortunately that formula did not work??

Help please?

Or any other ideas guys??

Many Thanks

Your illustration referred to "JoeB"; the formula referred to "Joe B".
Is that the problem?

Alan Beban
Simon, as Alan pointed out "Your illustration referred to "JoeB"; the
formula referred to "Joe B". " where my formula has a space between Joe and
B, if that is the case just delete the space and it should work if the
formula is one the same sheet, I missed the part about "another spreadsheet"
so if you wnat the formula on another sheet try this

=SUMPRODUCT(('Incoming Calls'!A2:A10="Joe B")*('Incoming

if its in another workbook you will also have to refrence the workbook like
=SUMPRODUCT(('[Book2]Incoming Calls'!A2:A10="Joe B")*('[Book2]Incoming

Paul B
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Using Excel 2000 & 97
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