Microsoft drops C#

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peter
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C# is a less forgiving ( and I think thats a good thing ) langauge, it's
case dependent which is good, it doesent allow you to call a shared function
via an object and it gives people who are used to C++ an easy inroad to .NET
just like J# or any other similar language.

If it is being dropped, I would be suprised and there is going to be untold
headaches converting C# stuff to VB because a lot of programmers use the
case depenency to avert problems with naming identifiers with the same names
as other classes, which is not good for those who need to convert it.

I think we saw somewhere a few weeks ago someone who wanted to use uint's
and couldnt in VB.NET, and Im sure there are other things too, mind you they
may have addressed them at techED.

Drop C# ? Na !!


OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .

Time flies when you don't know what you're doing
VB.NET and C# are so very similar, I think it would make more sense to
slowly merge them over the next few versions, although Im sure to be
flamed for my opinion here :P

Anyway, if MS did drop C# in the next version, I would be VERY surprised.

VB is my language of choice (old habbits die hard), although I am also
proficient in C, and C# (as well as others). Even today, ignorance
amoung peers still reigns surpreme, if I say that I am working on
something in VB.NET, i have been joked at, where if I say C#, i get
"ohhhhh". The fact is, that VB still has words such as "useless", "toy",
"garbage" assosiated with it, even though everyone here would know that
there is in fact that this is not true.

Before this turns into a HUGE rant, the fact is that C# allows C, and
C++ developers an easy path into the .NET framework, is more marketable
becuase of the letter 'c' in it, which scares people less becuase its
more fimilar (assosiating with c and c++), and IMO has a much cleaner
image than VB, I highly doubt that MS would drop it so soon...

.... in any event, time will tell :P

Les Hughes
Not wanting to pick nits, but you really should use a spell checker, there
were some awful mistakes in your text !


OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .

Time flies when you don't know what you're doing
MS is using C# for their business software (based on the Great Plains
acquistion). They are in the process of rewriting the whole suite in C#. So,
this is basically silly.

Bruce L-C
Hi Bill,

OHM has a problem he needs to make something he cannot do in VB.Net maybe
you can help him with that in C#. The message is named "Convert" by OHM.

One said:
Not wanting to pick nits, but you really should use a spell checker, there
were some awful mistakes in your text !

Haha.. Im in .au, and its very early hours here, reading over it again,
that is one of my worst efforts :P

Luckily for me I work as a programmer, not an english teacher
At least you can improve it when you are refreshed in the morning, my face
never changes no matter how much sleep i've had.



OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .

Time flies when you don't know what you're doing
* "William Ryan eMVP said:
The part about nothing that can't be done in VB should be the dead giveaway
that this isn't serious.

Mhm... If MSFT would focus on VB and skip C#, they would have enough
developers to add this functionality to VB.
* (e-mail address removed)-spam.invalid (Jimi) scripsit:
You realize that this blog is a joke - right?

Sure, but still 90 % of what Hannes is saying is true.
* "Bruce Loehle-Conger said:
MS is using C# for their business software (based on the Great Plains
acquistion). They are in the process of rewriting the whole suite in C#. So,
this is basically silly.

There were rumors that MSFT is writing a C# -> VB.NET conversion wizard
to convert all their C# code to VB.NET ;-).
* Les Hughes said:
VB.NET and C# are so very similar, I think it would make more sense to
slowly merge them over the next few versions, although Im sure to be
flamed for my opinion here :P

Good idea, dropping C# would be one way to merge the two languages by
picking the best features out of the two.

er, Yes !


OHM ( Terry Burns )
. . . One-Handed-Man . . .

Time flies when you don't know what you're doing

Herfried K. Wagner said:
* "One Handed Man \( OHM - Terry Burns \) said:
C# is [...] case dependent which is good
