If this is legit, then it seems, not that they clarified anything, but
that they backed off from their previous position. The EULA did not say
anything about 10 activations, it said 2.
Unfortunately this doesn't change anything for me, it is pretty clear
which direction MS is moving with all of this, and I am not going to play
the game. MS is going to take you kicking and screaming, into whatever
direction brings them the most revenue. Too much screaming and they will
back off till either the next release, or the next service pack.
I have begun familiarizing myself with two Linux distrobutions, one
available at freespire.org, and the other available at ubuntu.com. The
freespire OS is a bit simpler, but ubuntu is pretty simple too, and the
ubuntu people will ship you the OS 'FREE OF CHARGE' that's right 'NO
SHIPPING CHARGE'. I am slowly moving away from MS, beginning immediately.
Eventually I suspect MANY people will be doing the same, and I want to be
ahead of the curve.