Google and Second Life have proven there are market$ and economie$ in the
virtual worlds they and others have created. Applications in these virtual
worlds require the use of vector graphics applications which are used to
design, draw, and draft the user interfaces *within* the virtual world.
Note the distinction, *within* meaning not the Window where the host
application runs but that which is contained within the window. This is
where Microsoft remains asleep at the wheel like big lumbering dummies.
Might as well move the company from Redmond to Milwaukee.
Google was smart and on the job (no surprise here). Google acquired a 3D
vector graphics application called SketchUp, an amazing application widely
known and used by architects and others such as furniture and tool
designers; buildings and objects we find in the tangible world which are
being replicated within virtual worlds -- with programmable APIs -- that are
already being used to create what I've been calling the New Era of CAD.
There is one last remaining 3D vendor that has made significant progress in
the 3D vector graphics. That vendor is a one trick pony called Graphisoft
whose sole product is ArchiCAD which is one of the top three CAD
applications used by architects and others who work with buildings and
facilities. The trend being B(uilding) I(nformation) M(odeling) -- BIM --
where the building model contains all data spatial and otherwise in a single
monolithic file that exposes programmable interfaces. This is big news in
the AEC-CAFM markets and is rapidly changing the way business is done.
Especially for those who understand the relationship of the brick and mortar
objects that are being mapped into realms such as Virtual Earth. Whoops.
Microsoft's Virtual Earth is crippleware and has no such functionality. I
really meant to say Google Earth and Google Maps.
Both Google and Second Life are already building their own versions of BIM.
The opportunity for Microsoft may pass them buy they seem so stupid and
slow. Why haven't they acquired a real product like ArchiCAD and integrate
it with Virtual Earth and the stupid ridiculous initiative called Live
(which means absolutely nothing without 100 or more words explaing what the
f*ck "Live" actually is supposed to be -- and I stress "supposed to be").
A picture is worth a thousand words right?
Google and the Lindens (husband and wife developers of Second Life) know
this and are busy developing the new era of CAD and have a huge lead while
Microsoft remains dumb and asleep at the wheel with nothing to offer but
Expression Graphics Developer, a vector graphics application which was
acquired from Creature House -- a really decent application -- BUT -- dumb
as dirt, crippleware, and only useful for those who draw dancing monkeys a
line at a time.
Meanwhile the 3D bu$ine$$ is going to Google and Second Life both who are
attracting big names in business who are investing themselves in the virtual
worlds. Second Life has more than a million customers already and there are
literally people making tens of thousands of real dollars selling services
withing the virtual worlds. Some as creative as selling dolly clothes for
avatars for example. Another brilliant dude created a virtual exposition
center and is now making money from companies like SUN and IBM who have
entered Second Life to conduct marketing and pay this guy to host their
expos. Who is to say what other business processes will follow?
If Microsoft ever pulls its arrogant head out of its posterior it would
acquire ArchiCAD, modify it to support the .NET Framework, split the product
into a free version and a commercialized Pro version, and support customers
creating content and developing applications that can be integrated with
XBox, Virtual Earth and other related virtual realms.
<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
MAP http://wikimapia.org/#y=43038073&x=-88043838&z=17&l=0&m=h
virtual worlds they and others have created. Applications in these virtual
worlds require the use of vector graphics applications which are used to
design, draw, and draft the user interfaces *within* the virtual world.
Note the distinction, *within* meaning not the Window where the host
application runs but that which is contained within the window. This is
where Microsoft remains asleep at the wheel like big lumbering dummies.
Might as well move the company from Redmond to Milwaukee.
Google was smart and on the job (no surprise here). Google acquired a 3D
vector graphics application called SketchUp, an amazing application widely
known and used by architects and others such as furniture and tool
designers; buildings and objects we find in the tangible world which are
being replicated within virtual worlds -- with programmable APIs -- that are
already being used to create what I've been calling the New Era of CAD.
There is one last remaining 3D vendor that has made significant progress in
the 3D vector graphics. That vendor is a one trick pony called Graphisoft
whose sole product is ArchiCAD which is one of the top three CAD
applications used by architects and others who work with buildings and
facilities. The trend being B(uilding) I(nformation) M(odeling) -- BIM --
where the building model contains all data spatial and otherwise in a single
monolithic file that exposes programmable interfaces. This is big news in
the AEC-CAFM markets and is rapidly changing the way business is done.
Especially for those who understand the relationship of the brick and mortar
objects that are being mapped into realms such as Virtual Earth. Whoops.
Microsoft's Virtual Earth is crippleware and has no such functionality. I
really meant to say Google Earth and Google Maps.
Both Google and Second Life are already building their own versions of BIM.
The opportunity for Microsoft may pass them buy they seem so stupid and
slow. Why haven't they acquired a real product like ArchiCAD and integrate
it with Virtual Earth and the stupid ridiculous initiative called Live
(which means absolutely nothing without 100 or more words explaing what the
f*ck "Live" actually is supposed to be -- and I stress "supposed to be").
A picture is worth a thousand words right?
Google and the Lindens (husband and wife developers of Second Life) know
this and are busy developing the new era of CAD and have a huge lead while
Microsoft remains dumb and asleep at the wheel with nothing to offer but
Expression Graphics Developer, a vector graphics application which was
acquired from Creature House -- a really decent application -- BUT -- dumb
as dirt, crippleware, and only useful for those who draw dancing monkeys a
line at a time.
Meanwhile the 3D bu$ine$$ is going to Google and Second Life both who are
attracting big names in business who are investing themselves in the virtual
worlds. Second Life has more than a million customers already and there are
literally people making tens of thousands of real dollars selling services
withing the virtual worlds. Some as creative as selling dolly clothes for
avatars for example. Another brilliant dude created a virtual exposition
center and is now making money from companies like SUN and IBM who have
entered Second Life to conduct marketing and pay this guy to host their
expos. Who is to say what other business processes will follow?
If Microsoft ever pulls its arrogant head out of its posterior it would
acquire ArchiCAD, modify it to support the .NET Framework, split the product
into a free version and a commercialized Pro version, and support customers
creating content and developing applications that can be integrated with
XBox, Virtual Earth and other related virtual realms.
<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com
URL http://clintongallagher.metromilwaukee.com/
MAP http://wikimapia.org/#y=43038073&x=-88043838&z=17&l=0&m=h