I have updated to 613 and it has solved the problem of the
problem of alert windows flying off the screen (I have the
taskbar on the left). I have noticed that updated
definitions don't take, 5725 to 5729 was done several times,
maybe it has taken.
| I'm not convinced--it's ugly just because you are seeing
it personally?
| "Sticking" updates have happened a number of times through
the course of the
| beta--I've definitely seen the issue myself, although I
had less trouble
| fixing it than seems to be the rule with the current
| I don't know what's going on--but so far I am not clear
that there's a flaw
| in 614 that will need fixing. I am clear that if you have
any trouble at
| all with 613, you should update to 614--there was a reason
the new build was
| released, but we aren't privy to what it was.
| --
| | > Bill Sanderson formulated on tisdag :
| >> I'm watching that dollar!
| >
| >

| >
| > But Bill..... this bug is really ugly, wake up.......
| >
| > --
| > plun
| >
| >