I've downloaded and installed MS Anispyware and installed it and it's works
fine. However whenever my girlfriend logs onto her windows account and ms
anispyware attenmpts to launch there is an error message 'unexpected error
ocurred quitting'. And the programme wont launch.
Thinking this was a problem with my girlriends profile, I created another
account to test the theory, but I get the same problem on that account too
I hope someone can help?
I've downloaded and installed MS Anispyware and installed it and it's works
fine. However whenever my girlfriend logs onto her windows account and ms
anispyware attenmpts to launch there is an error message 'unexpected error
ocurred quitting'. And the programme wont launch.
Thinking this was a problem with my girlriends profile, I created another
account to test the theory, but I get the same problem on that account too
I hope someone can help?