No, this was the new one -- Build 1.0.701.
Thank you very much for your post. Yes, there are headaches involved, you
know, you had some.
I've already taken the "usual steps" you recommend below and cleaned
everything up. My system is running fine. When one identifies unreliable
software like this the best thing to do is to exterminate it quickly --
before additional problems occur.
I'm always amused by software manufacturers who try to put the Burden of
Proof on the user and say "Well, yours is an isolated case. You must not be
using the product right or you have conflicts with other software on your
A well-engineered piece of software is *supposed* to be thoroughly wrung out
and determined to be compatible with other standard programs that run on
Windows XP SP2.
I realize one can't expect that from a beta.
But this Microsoft AntiSpyware 1.0.701 is an alpha -- at best.
I recommend folks wait until the Microsoft software engineers do a *lot*
more work on it -- and not just use us as gullible, gratis guinea pigs.